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Why Choose Local? The Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer from Sallisaw, Oklahoma

Posted by Jeffrey Edwards | Jan 14, 2025 | 0 Comments

In this day of ever growing technology, it is very easy to get confused by advertising.  Many times people injured in car accidents or trucking accidents don't know where to turn to when they are injured, afraid, and traumatized after an automobile accident.  Many times people want to get answers from a local attorney who is qualified to help them. In the current age, people look to the internet to find legal assistance.  However, it is not uncommon for internet search results to result in advertisements from attorneys from all over the country.  In many cases these ads are from outsider attorneys who are not even licensed to practice in Oklahoma.  This is unfortunate as It is important to seek information from an attorney who is licensed in the state where the accident and injury happened, and who is familiar with the community and state and local laws.  In the realm of personal injury claims and litigation there really is such a thing as a home field advantage.  Laws differ in every state.  Court rules differ in every state.  Customs differ in every state.  Insurance policies are written differently in every state.  Our firm practices in eastern Oklahoma and is very familiar with the laws, rules and customs of the area in which we practice.  Jeffrey Edwards grew up in Sallisaw, Oklahoma in Sequoyah County.  He has lived in Poteau, Oklahoma in Leflore County.  He has had offices in Sequoyah County, LeFlore County, and Haskell County Oklahoma.  He has practiced extensively in Adair County, Muskogee County, McIntosh County, Cherokee County, and Wagoner County Oklahoma.  In addition he has practiced in the Federal Courts for the Eastern District of Oklahoma and the Northern District of Oklahoma.  So, the familiarity with the local judges and the local courts should be a huge factor in determining who to seek advice from in the event of a car accident in eastern Oklahoma.  That is why many out of town attorneys have retained Jeffrey Edwards, PA to serve as local counsel when they have litigation in the area.  So if you are in need of a consultation because you have been injured in an automobile accident, please remember that the home COURT advantage is real - and choose a local lawyer with whom you can actually visit at a local office.   

About the Author

Jeffrey Edwards

Accomplished attorney from Sallisaw, Oklahoma with expertise in trucking accidents resulting in millions of dollars in recoveries for clients.


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Jeffrey Edwards is committed to answering your questions about 18-Wheeler Accidents, Car Accidents, Wrongful Death, Insurance Claims, Product Injury, Burn Injury, and Bad Faith law issues in Oklahoma.

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